The 8 forms was developed in 1999 by tai chi masters sitting on the official Chinese sports council
Numbers refer to time on a clock assuming starting position faces 12 o’clock.
Commence Form
(12 o’clock) Open (as normal). Ensure stance lowers as hands lower.
1: Repulse Monkey: (left & right) (12 o’clock)
2: Brush Knee & Push: (left & right)
Guard position & turn Left (9). Brush Knee & Push (Right arm leads). Reverse stance to (3) to the Right & repeat.
Guard position & turn Left (9). Brush Knee & Push (Right arm leads). Reverse stance to (3) to the Right & repeat.
3: Part Wild Horse’s Mane: (left & right)
Turn to front (12), hold ball (Right hand on top.) Turn Left (9) & Part Wild Horse’s Mane. Turn to front & hold ball (Left hand on top.) (12). Repeat to Right side (3).
4: Cloud Hands:
Turn to front (12) Left hand commences cloud hands twice to Left. Left foot remains static 2nd time, then twice back to the Right, right foot remains static on 2nd step.
5: Golden Cock stands on one leg: (left & right)
6: Heel Kick: (left & right)
Remain facing front (12) for both kicks. Kick to Right (2), then kick Left (10)
7: Grasp Sparrow’s tail: (left & right)
Turn Right (3), ‘Ward off’ (Right). Grasp sparrow’s tail, Press &
double push, turn to (12) hold ball, Right hand on top. ‘Ward off’
(Left 9). Grasp sparrow’s tail, Press & double push, turn to (12)